Thank you to sweet Adriana from adris art for this award. I will now pass it on to five others whose blogs and comments have inspired me, I do realize that the award has been around, so if it comes your way again that's a good thing. The award goes to: Lisa at llcreations, Pam at pamkittymorning, Jan at pinkhousepages, Sandy at sandyberry and Gennine at blogdelanine.
I'm new at linking so I hope this works. Please take your award and post to your site. Pass the award on to five others and let them know by posting a comment on their blog. Again thank you to all.
I'm so honored :) Thank you so much Leticia for this beautiful award!
Hi *L*E*T*I*C*I*A*! You're such a sweetie! Thanks so much for this wonderful award. Lisa :)
Thank you! How nice of you! This is a first for me and my little pink house! Can't wait to meet you in person, soon!
What a beautiful award Leticia, how lovely for you, it is so well deserved.
Lynn xx
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